Open hours:
Daily, from 09:00 AM until 09:00 PM
Contact information:
(+675) 71904997
Trophy Haus
Trophy Haus is PNG’s premiere retailer of world-class sports brands such as Adidas, Quiksilver, DC, Roxy, New Balance, Puma, Harrows Darts, Havianas and more! Guaranteed all original – we are proud to say “No to fakes!”. Our range includes:
- Fitness equipment and accessories
- Tennis, rugby, volleyball, basketball, and soccer balls.
- Widest range of sports and casual footwear
- Swimming goggles and accessories
- Darts, snookers, billiards and table tennis equipment.
- Watches, wallets, belts and accessories
- Backpacks and bags
- Trophies, medals, and awards
- A whole lot more!